Bassel Cheaib is Of-Counsel to the Law Offices of Wafa J. Hoballah in contentious and non-contentious matters related to Middle Eastern and European Law. Mr. Cheaib completed his university education in Beirut where he obtained his law degree (L.L.B.) from the Sagesse University (in collaboration with the University of Montpellier-France), with a specialization in business law. He also studied in France where he graduated with a D.E.A. (the equivalent of a US Masters Degree) in Commercial Contracts from the University of Versailles-Saint-Quentin-En-Yvelines. Currently he is working on his Ph.D. thesis entitled “Concentration & Corporation” with the University of Paris II Pantheon-Assas. Mr. Cheaib began practicing law in 1999 when he registered before the Beirut Bar Association. Since then he has practiced in the areas of international business law and commercial law, with a focus on corporate law, finance law and mergers and acquisitions.